
Re: Argentine's elections


I surely agree with you that the conditions of Mexico today are not
exactly analogous to the US 100 years ago. I do think, however, that
countries, on occasion, relive problems and situations which have been
dealt and done with in the past by others.

An example could be Algeria or Egypt, which are having to deal with
issues of separation of Church and State which were dealt with by most
other countries at least a hundred years back. 

Does that mean then that Algeria is like Mexico 140-years back during
the "Guerra de Reforma"? Of course not!

Still the analogy is far from "historically shallow", and I'm sure the
Arab leaders could pick up a few hints here and there about how to and
how not to deal with this problem.

I'm not sure if I would compare Mexico to the US at any state of its
_political_ development (I think we have traversed fairly different
paths). Economically speaking, we might learn a lesson about how the
power of the Rockefellers got diluted in the US, and went on to create
a society with a more "democratic capitalism" (TM); and the lesson
might well be: don't do the same, it was the wrong way to go about it.



Alex Lopez-Ortiz                             alopez-o@neumann.UWaterloo.ca
http://daisy.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o                     FAX (519)-885-1208
Department of Computer Science                      University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1                                           Canada
