CS 448/648
Introduction to Database Systems
Winter 2001
Message Board
- The final marks are now posted at db-posting.htm. Access to this page is restricted to UW machines, so you have to be on campus to access it.
- Small editorial changes have been made to Assignment 4. If you read (and printed) it before 11:40AM on 22 March, please print it again.
- Assignment 4 is now posted.
- Final Exam: APR 11 9-12 MC 1056,1085.
- Assignment 3 solution is now posted.
- Assignment 3 is now posted.
- All the course notes are now on-line, including the Reliability writeup. They are also being sent to the printers and we'll let you know as soon as they are ready.
- Midterm solutions are now posted on the Assignments and Exams page (in pdf format).
- Storage System notes are now now posted.
- Assignment 2 solution is now posted.
- Assignment 2 is now posted.
- Solutions to assignment 1 are now online.
- Paul Lo's office hours has changed. Instead of Mondays 2-3, he will be having office hours on Tuesdays 12:30-1:30.
- The errata sheet for the course notes is now on-line. You can access it through the Notes page.
- Assignment 1 is now on-line; please go to the assignments page.
- For CS 648 students: The project guidelines are now posted on the Assignments page.
- Starting January 11 (Thursday), both sections of the course will move
to room MC 4042.
- The course notes, which are copies of the slides already
available on the Web page, will be available for sale at the
Bookstore on Thursday (January 4) afternoon.
- Welcome to CS448/648 Web site. Most of the information about the
course will appear here or on the linked pages. Make sure you visit
here regularly.