CS 742
Parallel and Distributed Database Systems
(Winter 2013)
M. Tamer Özsu
DC 3350
Lecture times: Thursdays 1:30-4:20PM
Lecture location: DC 2568
Calendar Description
This course covers algorithms and architectures used in parallel and distributed database management systems. The focus is on relational systems, but the problems addressed in this course arise in all large-scale database systems.
Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 3rd edition, M. Tamer Özsu and Patrick Valduriez, Springer, 2011.
Note that the book is required. We will cover much of it. If you don't want to purchase it, you may be able to get it from the library.
We will also read papers from literature. For access to papers, you can consult Michael Ley's online bibliography:
Workload and Evaluation (tentative and may change depending on class size)
- Three critical reviews of research papers (30%) (email me PDF file)
- First review due by 28 February
- Second review due by 14 March
- Third review due by 3 Apil
- Class presentation (20%)
- Each student will present one paper in class, critique it, and lead the Q&A on it (30 minutes+15 minutes Q&A).
- Assignments - 2 of them (20%)
- Final exam (30%)
- This will be scheduled separate from the usual finals week at a mutually agreeable time.
Course Outline
- Introduction and distribution architectures
- Distribution design
- Distributed query processing and optimization
- Distributed concurrency control
- Distributed reliability protocols
- Data replication
- Parallel data management
- Data integration
- Streaming data management
- Web data management
- MapReduce-based distributed data management
Schedule (tentative and may change)
Tentative schedule that will get firmed up is here. The lecture notes are also posted there.
Administrative details
Please review the materials concerning academic integrity and academic honesty.