(submitted, 2004).
Learning by Distances
S. Ben-David, A. Itai, and E. Kushilevitz, " Learning By Distances," Information and Computation 117(2), 1995, pp. 240-250. Early version: COLT 90.
Ronit Fraiman and Shai Ben-David, " Algorithms for Learning by Distances" , Technion TR, 1993.
Learning with Restricted Focus of Attention (RFA)
Ben-David, S., and Dichterman, E., " Learning with Restricted Focus of Attention". Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, Volume 56, 3, 277-298, 1998. Parts of this research appeared in COLT'93 and in ALT'94.
Learning Changing Concepts
P. Bartlett, S. Ben-David, and S. Kulkarni., " Learning changing concepts by exploiting the structure of change." Machine Learning, 41, 153-174, 2000 (preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of COLT 1996).
Multi-Task Learning
Ben-David, S., and Schuller, R., "Exploiting Task Relatedness for Multitask Learning" Proceedings of COLT 2003.