The NIPS-08
Workshop on
Model Uncertainty and Risk in Reinforcement Learning
To be held at the Twenty-Second Annual Conference
on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-08)
December 13, 2008 in Whistler, British Columbia,
![]() Overview: Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems are typically formulated in terms of Stochastic Decision Processes (SDPs), or a specialization thereof, Markovian Decision Processes (MDPs), with the goal of identifying an optimal control policy. In contrast to planning problems, RL problems are characterized by the lack of complete information concerning the transition and reward models of the SDP. Hence, algorithms for solving RL problems need to estimate properties of the system from finite data. Naturally, any such estimated quantity has inherent uncertainty. One of the interesting and challenging aspects of RL is that the algorithms have partial control over the data sample they observe, allowing them to actively control the amount of this uncertainty, and potentially trade it off against performance. Reinforcement Learning as a field of research, has over the past few years seen renewed interest in methods that explicitly consider the uncertainties inherent to the learning process. Indeed, interest in data-driven models that take uncertainties into account, goes beyond RL to the fields of Control Theory, Operations Research and Statistics. Within the RL community, relevant lines of research may be classified into the following (partially overlapping) sub-fields:
Goals: This workshop is aimed at bringing together researchers working in these and related fields, allow them to present their current research, and discuss possible directions for future work. We intend to focus on possible interactions between the sub-fields listed above, as well as on interactions with other related fields, which are outside of the current RL mainstream. We would like to have panel discussions on topics such as
Workshop Information Participants
Workshop FormatThis one-day workshop will consist of two to three invited talks and six to eight paper presentations. Two panel discussions will be used when appropriate to facilitate discussion of clusters of closely related talks. The remainder of the workshop will consist of a poster session to encourage more in-depth discussions. The eventual mix of contributed talks and poster discussion will depend on the submissions.Call for ContributionsThe organizing committee is currently seeking either technical papers (eight pages in the conference format) or else abstracts (up to two pages) describing research relevant to the workshop. Submissions should be sent via email to Pascal Poupart at and should be in Postscript, PDF, or MS Word format. Previously published work that is reworded, summarized or extended may be submitted to the workshop. However, priority will be given to novel work. If the papers are of sufficient quantity and quality, we will seek to publish them as an edited book or journal special issue.Confirmed Invited Speakers
Workshop Organizing Committe |
Yaakov Engel Email: WWW: |
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh INRIA Lille - Team SequeL Email: WWW: |
Shie Mannor McGill University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Email: WWW: |
Pascal Poupart School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Email: WWW: |
Last changed Monday, October 27, 2008 |