ICML-07 Tutorial on Bayesian Methods for Reinforcement Learning
Summary and Objectives
Although Bayesian methods
for Reinforcement Learning can be traced back to the 1960s (Howard's
work in Operations Research), Bayesian methods have only been used
sporadically in modern Reinforcement Learning. This is in part
because non-Bayesian approaches tend to be much simpler to work with.
However, recent advances have shown that Bayesian approaches do not
need to be as complex as initially thought and offer several
theoretical advantages. For instance, by keeping track of full
distributions (instead of point estimates) over the unknowns,
Bayesian approaches permit a more comprehensive quantification of the
uncertainty regarding the transition probabilities, the rewards, the
value function parameters and the policy parameters. Such
distributional information can be used to optimize (in a principled
way) the classic exploration/exploitation tradeoff, which can speed
up the learning process. Similarly, active learning for
reinforcement learning can be naturally optimized. The estimation
of gradient performance with respect to value function or and/or
policy parameters can also be done more accurately while using less
data. Bayesian approaches also facilitate the encoding of prior
knowledge and the explicit formulation of domain assumptions.
The primary goal of this
tutorial is to raise the awareness of the research community with
regard to Bayesian methods, their properties and potential benefits
for the advancement of Reinforcement Learning. An introduction to
Bayesian learning will be given, followed by a historical account of
Bayesian Reinforcement Learning and a description of existing
Bayesian methods for Reinforcement Learning. The properties and
benefits of Bayesian techniques for Reinforcement Learning will be
discussed, analyzed and illustrated with case studies.
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning and Bayesian learning
- History of Bayesian RL
- Model-based Bayesian RL
3.1 Policy optimization techniques
3.2 Encoding of domain knowledge
3.3 Exploration/exploitation tradeoff and active learning
Bayesian imitation learning in RL
Bayesian multi-agent coordination and coalition formation in RL
- Model-free Bayesian RL
4.1 Gaussian process temporal difference (GPTD)
4.2 Gaussian process SARSA
Bayesian policy gradient
Bayesian actor-critic algorithms
- Demo
5.1 Control of an octopus arm using GPTD
- Pascal Poupart (http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~ppoupart,
Pascal Poupart received a
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in
2005. Since August 2004, he is an Assistant Professor in the David
R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo.
Poupart's research focuses on the design and analysis of scalable
algorithms for sequential decision making under uncertainty
(including Bayesian reinforcement learning), with application to
assistive technologies in eldercare, spoken dialogue management and
information retrieval. He has served on the program committee of
several international conferences, including AAMAS (2006, 2007), UAI
(2005, 2006, 2007), ICML (2007), AAAI (2005, 2006, 2007), NIPS (2007)
and AISTATS (2007).
- Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
received a Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of
Massachusetts Amherst in 2005. Since September 2005 he has been a
postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Computing Science at the
University of Alberta, working with Prof. Richard Sutton. The main
objective of his research is to investigate the principles of
scalable decision-making grounded by real-world applications. In the
last two years, Ghavamzadeh’s research has been mostly focused on
using recent advances in statistical machine learning, especially
Bayesian reasoning and kernel methods, to develop more scalable
reinforcement learning algorithms.
- Yaakov Engel (http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~yaki,
Yaakov Engel received a
Ph.D. degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2005. Since
April 2005 he has been a postdoctoral fellow with the Alberta
Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning (AICML) at the Department of
Computing Science at the University of Alberta.