Update, October 19, 2018.

On October 7, 2018 I received an alarming letter from a citizen in rural Ontario.
The title was: "Cardiac instability caused by infrasound radiation from industrial wind turbines"

I am including text from the letter below, with permission.
The authour wishes to remain anonymous going forward.
They have informed the Ontario government at the addresses listed below.

  Richard Mann
  University of Waterloo

Encl: Excerpt from letter of October 7, 2018

Subject: cardiac instability caused by infrasound radiation from industrial wind turbines...
Date: October 7, 2018 at 1:38:43 PM EDT
To: doug.ford@pc.ola.org, rickford.Greg@pc.ola.org, colt.manson@ontario.ca, Nina.Chiarelli@ontario.ca, rod.phillips@pc.ola.org, christine.elliott@pc.ola.org
Cc: monte.mcnaughtonco@pc.ola.org, lisa.thompsonco@pc.ola.org, bill.walker@pc.ola.org


In the past two weeks, four people in Ontario have offered to provide their medical investigation records which rule out typical causative factors for traumatic cardiac instability episodes which they have been experiencing in their homes.

All four of these peoples’ homes have been surrounded by industrial wind turbines and in two of these cases, substations have been sited too close to their homes.

This situation is an emergency as well as a provable human rights violation.

It confirms the cumulative harm that Dr. Mariana Alves -Pereira has been studying for decades. She has recently presented her work in Slovenia to a group of professionals.


In this presentation and also in her most recent interview in Finland, she speaks about LFN and infrasound radiation and the damage to the nervous system as well as the heart. In the interview in Finland she states that, knowing what she knows, she would not live within 20 km of a wind turbine.

Can you imagine how rural residents in Ontario who did not consent to having their homes surrounded by wind turbines feel as their pleas for protection have not resulted in effective measures being taken by their government?

The four people who are willing to have their relevant health investigations used, to show that they are now experiencing the cumulative harm from infrasound radiation, are all people who experienced harm and tried to report it to the Liberal government agents within the MOECC and the MOH. No timely or effective protection was achieved under their leadership and now these peoples' lives are in peril because the turbines that are too close to their homes are still running as I type this letter.

These are four people who have confided in me and are now willing to let you see their medical evidence. How many others are there in rural Ontario who are experiencing harm at various stages of the neurological and cardiac damage that Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira says is irreversible. How many people, because of the lack of properly delivered information, still have not connected the dots between their symptoms and the turbines near their homes?

With lives of innocent people being threatened in this way and cumulative harm occurring for all who live within 20 km of turbines- harm which cannot be reversed- your government must make this horrible reality a very high priority.

The turbines that are close to or surrounding peoples' homes need to be turned off now.

With respect and gratitude for your willingness to make tough ethical decisions on behalf of the people of Ontario….