Fri Feb 25, 2022 Attn: students of Ontario Colleges and Universities, I learned of a student denied access to Mohawk College due to vaccination status. The bad news is that he took one shot already. But the good news is that after intervention (from a parent), he has been allowed to enroll as long as he provides a booking for the second shot. I am hoping that others can use this information to delay, and ultimately avoid their second shot. Further I am hoping students at Mohawk College and elsewhere gain courage and attend their institutions anyway, regardless of their status. At this point we need peaceful protest by students who refuse to have their careers held hostage over an unethical medical requirement. Best wishes, Richard Mann Waterloo ON Encl: correspondence, names removed. ------- Original Message ------- On Friday, February 25th, 2022 at 4:48 PM, <> wrote: > After receiving that email I contacted the college to ask what options there were considering the fact that he is not eligible to receive a second vax for another 7 weeks. That's when the said he could come in with a letter from the MOH saying that he was booked for a second dose. > >> ---------- Forwarded message --------- >> From: Mohawk College <> >> Date: Fri., Feb. 25, 2022, 9:14 a.m. >> Subject: Vaccine Status Change: Denied >> To: <> >> >> >> Mohawk College >> >> Denied >> >> xxxxxxx >> >> Your vaccine status has changed to Denied. You can view the status in the Mohawk Safety app at your convenience. >> >> If you have requested Vaccination Status Approval it is likely you made an error in your application. >> The most common errors are >> - Not submitting a vaccine receipt with your name visible >> - Not submitting proof of a second dose >> - For guests, not providing enough detail or a valid reason for your purpose for being on campus. >> >> Please contact for next steps. >> >> If you have applied for an exemption and your status has been changed to Denied, it is because you were notified that you exemption request was denied or you did not complete the exemption process for review. >> If you have questions please follow up with - >> - for non-medical exemptions >> - for medical exemptions >> >> If you were previously registered as partially vaccinated, your status has been changed to denied as the Mohawk College Vaccine Policy Statement required anyone accessing campus to be fully vaccinated by February 14, 2022. >> >> If you are fully vaccinated and forgot to submit proof of second dose, please follow up with >> >> Mohawk College >