Deliverable: #4 - Project completion
Documentation: 8:00am Saturday 15th July 2017
Presentation: Monday 17th July / Wednesday 19th July, Friday 21st July 2017 in class
Voting: By 8:00am Saturday 22nd July 2017


Do a demo. Save the world.


  1. Title page, including project name, team number, team name, and each team members name and Quest IDs.
  2. Demo description (max 2 pages).
  3. Project documentation (Pages unspecified).
  4. Perform eight minute demo.

Only one team member should submit document to by 08:00am on Saturday 15th July. File naming scheme: cs446-d4_<project-name>.pdf * (use - instead of space in file names)

Required documentation:

The documentation submitted should serve as an adjunct to the in-class presentation, explaining the major externally visible functionality offered by your tool, the end user interfaces employed, the justification for this tool, and the ways in which your tool can be used.

If your tool departs from your original proposal, you should identify how, and provide justification for this departure. Does your tool achieve the functional and non-functional goals you originally considered important. Without going into the internals of the architecture, how does departure from any of these functional and non-functional goals impact upon or benefit the end user.


The demonstrations will be strictly limited to eight minutes (8 minutes per group total). The demonstrations should both demonstrate what the system looks like from the user’s perspective and describe some of the technical underpinnings / challenges you faced creating your system. It may also present the risks and benefits associated with using your application.

Delivery is important: please practice your demonstration before you come and if you are worried about hooking up your laptop / mobile device toe the projector show up early and try it out in advance. Treat this demo as you would treat a demonstration to your product team on a co-op job. The demo should show the major scenarios your tool supports (including the ones you proposed at the outset of the course).

If it is deemed necessary, additional time may be requested by the TA's (outside of the class hours) to review and discuss individual projects with team members, to ensure that in the marking of them, they are themselves sufficiently familiar with them. The time and length of such meetings are to be arranged between the team and the TA's wishing to further review a deliverable.


The presentation, and supporting documentation is worth 5% of your final grade. The TA and instructor will individually grade the final deliverable in terms of the technical complexity of the completed system, the polish that has been applied to the system, and the functional and non-functional properties of the deliverable, employing as background as submitted documentation. This final grading of each project will be worth an additional 30% of your final grade.


Each team may vote on the most successful team. Voting will be conducted as follows. Each individual will identify the name of the team whose project they deem best using Voting will close Saturday 2nd April shortly after 8am, and once closed no further votes will be accepted. Members may not vote for their own project, and if found to have done so will incur a 2% penalty. Only individuals who vote will be eligible for a bonus. The votes each team recieve will subsequently be made public, but voter identities will not be revealed. The winning group will receive a 2% bonus on their overall assignment mark at the end of the course. In the event of ties this bonus will be split evenly.


The development of your project is a confidential corporate exercise. Distinct teams may not collaborate on the production of any deliverable. Information contained within a team's final deliverable should not be shared with other teams, prior to its presentation to all teams. Any matter may be discussed during the final presentation.