Title: SE2: Software Design and Architecture.
Course ID: CS 446, SE 464, ECE 452, CS 646
Deliverable: #2 - Prototype demonstration
Documentation: 8:00am Saturday 17 June 2017
Presentation: Monday 19th June, Wednesday 21 June and/or Friday 23 June 2017 (in class)
Voting: By Saturday 8:00am 24 June 2017


Do a demo.

Required documentation:

Before the demo a demo summary must be submitted. The maximum length of this summary is two pages. The demo summary should describe the functionality that will be demonstrated highlighting which aspects of the demo are real and which parts are simulated.

A further one or two pages should include a component diagram that details the components, connectors, and topology of your system. Annotations should be added to denote the physical devices these components will execute on. The diagram should be sufficient to capture your system’s architecture and topology; you can add markup notes as required for clarity.

Only one team member should submit this document to learn.uwaterloo.ca by 0800 on 17th June 2017. File naming scheme: cs446-d2_<team-number>.pdf * (use - instead of space in file names)


The demos will be strictly limited to eight minutes. You must demonstrate your app from from a mobile phone; tablets, laptops, and simulators are not acceptable. A second screen will be available if you want to attach a different secondary device.

Delivery is important: please practice your demo before you come and if you are worried about hooking up your laptop / mobile device to the projector show up early and try it out in advance. Treat this demo as you would treat a demonstration to your product team on a co-op job.

The demo should show at least one working user scenario. Simulated data / mock features are fine as long as some portion of the functionality works. For example, for this demo your authentication page can just accept a username / password that always lets the user in without actually checking against some backend system.


This assignment is worth 5% of your final mark. The assignment must be passed to pass the course.


Individuals will vote on the most impressive demo.

Voting will be conducted as follows. Each individual will identify the name of the team whose prototype they deem best using swag.uwaterloo.ca/~ijdavis/cgi-bin/register.cgi . Voting will close Saturday 24th June shortly after 8am, and once closed no further votes will be accepted. Members may not vote for their own project. Success in doing so will if discovered result in a 2% penalty. Only individuals who vote will be eligible for a bonus. The votes each team recieve will subsequently be made public, but voter identities will not be revealed.

The best demo will receive a 2% bonus on their overall assignment mark at the end of the course. This bonus will be added to their final exam mark, subject to the constraint that this is at that point electronically possible. In the event of ties this bonus will be split evenly.


The development of your prototype is a confidential corporate exercise. Distinct teams may not collaborate on the production of any one prototype. Information contained within a team's prototype should not be shared with other teams, prior to its presentation to all teams. Any matter may be discussed during that presentation.