Title: SE2: Software Design and Architecture.
Course ID: CS 446, SE 464, ECE 452, CS 646
Deliverable: #1 - Project Proposal
Team Name: Finalized on or before 2:30pm Monday 8th May 2017
Documention: 8:00am Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Presentation: In class Wednesday 24th, Friday 26th and/or Monday 29th May 2017
Voting: By 8:00am Tuesday 30th May 2017


Each team's project will focus on building a mobile app of the team's choosing. The app must be useful, it must take advantage of being on a mobile platform (e.g., utilize and integrate with several services offered by the device), and it must run on a mobile phone (tablet support is fine, but it must be demoed on a phone). Apps cannot require crowd buy-in (e.g., it must be useful even if only team members are users of the app), they cannot simply replicate the functionality of a website, and they must not be simple "Create, Read, Update, Delete" (CRUD) apps.

The project proposal is a description of what you intend to accomplish over the rest of the term for this project. It should describe your system and what you intend it to do. If known, it should identify any open source software that you believe might be worth leveraging, and/or available technology that may be exploited. Remember that the challenge is to see what you can accomplish in the time available; not to make the least progress in the time available by doing things the hard way.

Emphasis on projects that are interesting / useful is preferred; use this project to build something that excites your team! A scaling factor will be applied to the final project grade to account for its significance and challenge; we will provide feedback on this aspect of your proposal so you can have an approximate idea of what this factor will be rated as if your team completes the proposed work in a completed app. The scope of the project should assume at least 5h / week development time (e.g., 4 team members * 5h / week * 13 weeks = 260 hours total). This should be enough time to complete an interesting project. Note however that you will be marked on what is developed; not on the effort put into this project by individual members of the team.

Document Requirements:

1. Page 1:

2. Page 2-3:

3. Page 4:

4. Page 5 (Optional):

  • A set of low-fidelity mockups. Sometimes a set of simulated screenshots / hand drawings can make describing the system easier. You can forward reference these from the functional properties / user scenarios as required.

5. Only one team member should submit this document to CS446 through learn.uwaterloo.ca by 08:00am on Tuesday 23 May, 2017. PDF only. File naming scheme: cs446-d1_<team-number>.pdf (use ‘_’ instead of space in file names)


Each team will ‘pitch’ their project to the class with a presentation lasting at most 8 minutes in class on Wednesday 24th May, Friday 26th May, and Monday 29th May, 2017. Actual presentation length may of necessity be uniformly reduced to accomodate the requirement that all teams have opportunity to present in these three days. Each presentation must begin and end with the name and number of the team conducting the presentation, to assist in subsequent voting. The audience may ask questions or comment at the end of each presentation if time permits.

The presentation should describe the main functionality of the system and clearly state why the project is useful / interesting. You may use slides or the blackboard for supporting materials. If you want to use slides, please send them to learn.uwaterloo.ca as cs446-s1_<team-number>.pdf in PDF format (PDF ONLY!) by 08:00am on Tuesday 23rd May. These will be preinstalled on a computer to simplify presentation; please, no animation or transitions.


This deliverable (including presentation) accounts for 5% of your final grade. Part of the feedback may be to indicate that your proposal is deemed too easy to implement, and should be extended to become more challenging if you wish to get a good final grade. You may also be contacted if your project is deemed overly ambitious, in which case you will be permitted to scale back your proposed deliverable.


The class will submit votes for the ‘pitch’ presentations that they deem most exciting. The winning team will receive a 2% bonus on their final project grade. In the event of ties this bonus will be divided between winning teams. Voting will be conducted as follows. Each individual will identify the name of the team whose proposal they deem best using swag.uwaterloo.ca/~ijdavis/cgi-bin/register.cgi. Voting will close Tuesday 30th May shortly after 8am, and once closed no further votes will be accepted. Members may not vote for their own project. Only individuals who vote will be eligible for a bonus. The votes each team recieve will subsequently be made public, but voter identities will not be revealed.


The development of a project proposal is a confidential corporate exercise. Distinct teams may not collaborate on the production of any one proposal. Information contained within a team's proposal should not be shared with other teams, prior to its presentation to all teams. Any matter may be discussed during the presentation.

External information in the public domain (e.g. on the web, in books or in technical manuals) may be freely shared across teams. Students are encouraged to share general knowledge relating to the development of mobile technology with others, less familiar with this technology.