CS 348: Introduction to Database Management

Spring 2024

Course Objectives

The lectures try to give an answer the following three questions:

  • why do we want to use databases and what are the benefits of doing so,
  • how do we use databases as users and application programmers,
  • how do we design databases, and
  • (extremely elementary introduction into) how do databases work.
  • Official Course Description and official syllabus.


    The lectures do not assume any prior knowledge of databases. However, you must brush up your skills in the following three areas:
  • Elementary math (sets, relations, first-order logic).
  • Basics of complexity theory (e.g., the O-notation, etc.).
  • Basic programming skills (in C).

  • Lectures

    LEC 001 11:30-12:50TTh MC 2017 David Toman
    LEC 004 02:30-03:50TTh MC 2034 David Toman

    Note: LEC 002 and LEC 003 are taught by different professor (Sujaya Maiyya) and will likely follow different schedule and use different lecture materials/assignments/exams. It is important that you attend lectures (submit assignments, take exams) for the section you are enrolled in.

    Midterm Exam

    July 5, 2024 at 4:30pm in MC4021.

    Final Exam

    Tuesday, August 13, 4-6:30pm, location TBA.

    Course Evaluation

    The University of Waterloo has been working hard to bring student evaluations into the modern era by eliminating the need for wasteful and time-consuming paper surveys. The evaluation survey is available online.

    COVID-19 Contingency Plan