Math 135 Resources (Unofficial)

Here you will find a list of resources for Math 135 that have been created over the years based on the reformulation of the course in 2012. You are welcome to repost, recast, reproduce and share these resources with anyone. So long as the new material remains free and benefits students.


Course Notes

  • Version 1.0 of the Math 135 course notes

  • Below are both typed version and the hand written versions of the notes. The typed version are intended to be a typed version of the hand written notes (but might contain typos). The handwritten notes were notes I used for my Fall 2015 classes. I've also included a typed version of all notes as well as all the handouts I used in class. A zip package of all the files is also available at the top of this page if you would like to reproduce these.

  • All lectures from 2 to 44

  • All lectures typed from 2 to 44

  • Handouts from all classes

  • All tex and source files for typed notes (Will update at end of term)

  • Symbol Cheat Sheets

    Theorems Cheat Sheets

    Here, we attempt to break down the most important theorems by week. It is recommended that you always keep the week 4 reference sheet handy as these theorems will be used throughout the course. The weekly theorem sheets contain overlaps which are intentional and are an attempt to help you organize the course into important subsections as well as guide you for weekly assignments. As a caveat, not all instructors may follow the theorem order listed here and should be treated with caution.


    These videos were created beginning in 2015 when I was first hired at the University of Waterloo. I view these more as extra practice problems as opposed than I do as a full content review. Feedback and errors can be sent to my email address.
    Notes: Some of these videos (eg. the Sept. 24th videos) are pencasts (click on the picture to play the video). I found these work best on Google Chrome.

    Carmen's Core Concepts

    These videos are my weekly review videos for Math 135. Note that different classes might have covered topics in a different order but the majority of the content is fairly consistent. These videos highlight what I think were the important concepts for the week. Again if you didn't cover all the same topics as me this week that is not a sign to be worried. The idea of these videos is to provide you with a brief summary of what happened during the week so that you can get a nice reminder and hopefully help you on your assignments and while studying for finals. These videos are not meant to replace lectures in any way and are meant as a supplement to lectures.
    PS. Sorry about the lighting in the first video.

    Midterm and Exam Files

    These files might be of use toward exam time. Please note that MathSoc has an archived exam bank from previous years.



    Tex files for the above as used