Byron Weber Becker
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Java textbooks have proliferated in the last several years resulting in a wide variety of pedagogical approaches. This paper surveys a number of texts in terms of how objects are introduced, how I/O (including graphical user interfaces) is handled, and how they treat software engineering. New classifications are proposed for object and class introduction as well as handling I/O. Finally, personal opinions are offered with respect to the most pedagogically sound texts.
At last count thirty-two Java textbooks aimed at the CS1 market sit on the author's shelf. A casual glance through them shows that there are many, many differences in how they approach teaching programming via the Java language.
In [18] five general approaches to I/O are proposed and in [17] and elsewhere advice is given regarding the ordering of topics. Are these approaches to I/O and is this ordering advice actually followed in all those textbooks?
A survey of half of the thirty-two books reveals that the five general approaches to I/O need significant revision and that while most follow the advice in [17] to use objects before writing classes, there is still considerable variation. New classifications for both areas are proposed.
In the course of the survey, observations about the treatment of software engineering topics were made. While this part of the study is too preliminary to form any categorizations, it may be a pointer for some future study. It was also inescapable that some personal opinions would form in the course of closely examining so many books. These are reported in the conclusions.
Choosing which textbooks to include in the study was somewhat arbitrary. Textbooks included met one or more of the following criteria: 1) those that made the best impression when they first came, 2) were relatively recent, 3) written by authors recognized for other books, and 4) books thought to be widely used.
The sixteen textbooks chosen are listed in the Textbook References section at the end of the paper. A separate section lists other references. Also, notes developed in the course of researching this paper are available at for those who are interested.
The author deeply respects the vast time and energy invested by the authors of these textbooks and does not want to slight them in any way. Nevertheless, some textbooks were found to be more helpful than others and those opinions are noted.
The richness and variation in textbooks is particularly evident in how authors introduce objects and classes. In this initial survey, very little superficial commonality was noted.
The order of presentation (e.g.: "objects first" vs. "control structures first" vs. something else) is a fundamental part of a textbook's pedagogy. To get an approximation of the orderings, each topic covered (in broad categories) was listed in the order presented. The list stopped when classes had been implemented and control structures had been covered.
The following keywords and definitions were used to capture the ordering of topics.
Applets: Writing applets. This is not counted as object usage or implementing classes (see below) because classes and objects have not yet been discussed and the programmer has not explicitly instantiated the class.
Control: Iteration and selection control structures.
Design: Help in designing classes and their interactions.
DiscussObj: An in-depth discussion of objects and classes, but without code.
ImplClass: Implementation of classes, including instance variables and methods (unless methods are previously covered as a separate topic).
ImplClassExt: Implementation of classes by extending existing classes.
Methods: Writing methods, but prior to implementing classes.
Sample: A sample program is used as an overview. The sample must be more complex than HelloWorld to be noted. (While [17] rightly claims that HelloWorld is completely object-oriented and can be a wonderful example, the fact that object instantiation is hidden by using only System.out and String objects weakens the example.)
SpecifyClass: Developing the specifications of a class, without actually implementing it.
UseObj: Using objects in programs, including explicitly creating the objects. This excludes class methods.
UseImpl: Using and implementing objects are presented together.
These keywords are admittedly somewhat loose and there is lots of room for interpretation - both in what the keywords mean and in which keyword best fits a particular section of a textbook. This reflects the rich diversity in how authors approach programming.
Figure 1, below, contains the summary of orderings.
A & W
UseObj, ImplClass, Design, Control
B & P
Applets, Methods, UseObj, Control, ImplClass
UseObj, ImplClass, Control
Sample, UseObj, Methods, ImplClass, Control
D & D
Sample, Applets, Control, Methods, Arrays, UseImpl
Sample, UseImpl, Control
K & W
UseImpl, Control
L & L
UseObj, Control, ImplClass
L & O
Sample, UseObj, Control, Methods, ImplClass
Sample, UseImpl, Control
N & H
DiscussObj, SpecifyClass, ImplClass, Control
Sample, Control, UseImpl
UseObj[1], Control, UseObj, ImplClass
DiscussObj, ImplClassExt, Control, SpecifyClass, ImplClass
DiscussObj, UseObj, ImplClass, Control
Figure 1: Ordering of Topics
Decker & Hirshfield is not listed above as it was impossible to classify under this scheme. They begin by extending applet and continue to emphasize applets for the remainder of the text. The author could not find a complete class anywhere in the book which did not extend a class in java.awt and nowhere were classes and objects thoroughly explained. This text is excluded from the remainder of this section.
On the surface, there is very little commonality. Only Horstmann and Morelli show the same set of keywords in the same order.
Deeper analyses are possible, however. One of the most helpful categorizations is locating control structures with respect to objects and classes as represented by the set of keywords obj={ImplClass, UseObj, UseImpl}. Most of the texts are covered by three possibilities:
Of the three categories, Stein fits most nearly with control last. She has an early section where classes are implemented using extension of a provided class. This, plus an extensive discussion of objects (without code) gives a firm enough foundation to use some objects during discussions of control structures later in the book.
This yields another set of differences: of those who present object usage or class implementation before control structures, which follow up by using objects to illustrate control structures? This seems like a useful thing to do to give students more practice using objects. As noted in [17], "procedural abstraction is not eliminated in an object-oriented approach; it is merely subjugated to object abstraction, which should occur earlier in the process and dominate the design."
There are several possibilities here. One is placing the control structures in the context of a class and making use of the classes' instance variables. Another is to have the control structures make active use of an instantiated class, both in the bodies of the statement and in the condition. By these measures, Arnow & Weiss, Barnes, Horstmann, Morelli, and Wu are strong. Savitch and Deitel & Deitel make little use of instantiated objects. The remainder have lots of examples with classes containing only main() or fragments disembodied from their class. It seems that opportunities are missed.
A third set of differences is whether methods are presented separately from classes. That is, are methods first presented as a construct to control execution (a procedural paradigm) or are methods first presented as an object's behavior (an object-oriented paradigm)? Bell & Parr, Bishop, and Lambert & Osborne have methods precede objects, either as helper methods within an applet or static methods called from main().
The author believes that for students to really grasp object-oriented programming there are at least two additional requirements for the presentation of objects.
First, students must see several different objects instantiated from the same class. This helps to make clear the differences between the class as a template and the objects created from that template. It also reinforces the idea that different objects (usually) have different state even though they belong to the same class and support the same behaviors. Arnow & Weiss, Horstmann, Lewis & Loftus, and Morelli all have strong examples of this.
The second concern is that students see examples which require designing and implementing two or more interacting classes. Distributing responsibilities between classes is a crucial part of object-oriented programming and must be modeled in our textbooks.
"Interacting classes" include only those classes where the public interface must be specified by the student and at least one class uses objects belonging to another class (inheritance is thus excluded from this discussion). An excellent example is found early in Arnow & Weiss. They have a tollbooth program which has a class containing main(), a second class modeling trucks and a third class modeling tollbooths. The main() instantiates a tollbooth and several trucks. It then arranges for each truck to "go through" the tollbooth for tolls to be collected. The truck and tollbooth classes both have public interfaces to specify and tollbooth uses the truck interface.
[1,2,11,12,14,15] contain examples similar to the tollbooth example. [4,7,8,9,13,16] have interacting classes in the chapter on arrays where one class contains an array (with a public interface to manipulate it) of objects. A number of texts have no obvious instance of classes that interact in this manner [3,5,6,10].
In [18] a five-part classification for handling input and output concerns in a textbook is presented. Briefly, the five possibilities are (quoting)
Reviewing the sixteen textbooks reveals remarkably little overlap in approach and that none of them use options 1, 3 or 4. See Figure 2 for a summary of key differences. Clearly a different classification is needed.
A & W | Barnes | B & P | Bishop | D & H | D & D | Horstmann | K & W | L & O | L & L | Morelli | N & H | Savitch | Slack | Stein | Wu | |
Is console I/O used? | Y | Y | N | Y | N | N | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Is a console class provided? | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||||
Is the console class explained? | IO | IO | E | IO | IO | IO | E | |||||||||
When are graphics introduced? | E | L | E | L | E | E | E | E | M | E | M | L | M | L | L | E |
When are event-driven GUIs used? | M | L | E | L | E | M | M | M | E | M | E | L | M | L | L | L |
Are libraries provided for GUIs? | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | Y | Y | N | N | N | N | N | N | Y |
Is the focus on applets? | Y | N | Y | N | Y | N | N | Y | N | Y | N | N | N | N | N | N |
Do chapters have GUI supplements? | Y | N | Y | N | Y | N | N | N | N | Y | N | N | N | N | N | N |
Abbreviations: E=Early; M=Middle; L=Late; Y=Yes; N=No; IO=Explained in a chapter on streams late in the text.
Figure 2: Key differences in I/O presentation
In examining the differences and similarities it becomes evident that the key question is how soon event-driven interfaces are introduced. Two secondary concerns are ordering of material and whether simplified libraries will be used. One way of organizing these concerns is as follows:
There are several other much more minor differences in approach. About half of the authors present graphics early as a fun application of the other concepts being discussed. Event-driven GUIs come later.
Another issue is how to address applets. Five of the sixteen textbooks focus almost entirely on applets rather than graphical applications. Five others focus on applications, providing only a few pages on the basics of applets.
Among the provided libraries which offer a graphical interface, there are clear differences. Among the three, Lambert & Osborne's BreezyGUI library is the only one which simplifies event-driven I/O. Their library has the feel of the Java 1.0 event model in which programmers override specific methods to handle specific kinds of events. If the same kind of event can arrive from more than one source, the programmer must distinguish the cases with a selection statement.
A feature of BreezyGUI is a simplified version of GridBagLayout which makes it easy to create reasonably sophisticated-looking interfaces.
Wu's javabook library is a collection of instantiable classes which provide input from textboxes, lists, yes/no choices, etc. from users via dialog boxes. Other classes provide options for output. One of the stated goals of the class is to give students practice in using objects, both instantiation and method invocation.
Programmers using Koffman and Wolz's library use the is-a relationship rather than the uses relationship between classes. Classes which need to do I/O extend SimpleIO, a provided class. One perceived advantage is that beginners can simply use the I/O methods without needing to know about objects or dot notation. It becomes a liability later on if students need to extend a different class and do console I/O or when they simply realize that Employee, for instance, fails the is-a test with respect to SimpleGUI.
In examining the sixteen textbooks, a number of admirable qualities related to software engineering came forward. "Software engineering" is used rather liberally here to mean anything that might guide the software development process towards a better product. This encompasses discussions of the software development process, or case studies which illustrate the decisions made by an expert developer or model a software development process. It also includes discussions of testing, debugging, coupling/cohesion, assertions or designing by contract, class specification, or design tools such as UML.
Nino & Hosch are clearly the best of the sixteen in this regard. A working title for their book hints strongly at this bias: Introduction to Software Construction with Java. Areas where their book stands out include:
Wu stands out for his use of UML-like diagrams. He has a number of good case studies, including a very detailed study as the entire last chapter.
Arnow & Weiss are most noted for presenting and then consistently using a development process in their case studies. There is also a chapter on verifying object behavior.
Lewis & Loftus have a chapter on software engineering which covers a variety of development models including waterfall, iterative and evolutionary. There are also brief descriptions of how to identify classes and objects, and the software life cycle. Unfortunately, the chapter is too late to be reinforced in case studies.
Horstmann also has a chapter late in his book which covers many of these issues. He also includes using nouns and verbs for class/object/method discovery, supplemented by CRC cards. An earlier chapter covers testing and debugging.
Morelli provides an "Object-Oriented Design" section in almost every chapter. Though short, the tips provided are important and timely.
Stein is notable for her emphasis on specifying behavior through interfaces.
Sixteen Java textbooks aimed at CS1 have been examined in terms of how objects and classes are introduced, I/O is handled, and their support for software engineering concepts. For the first two topics, new classification systems which fits the data were developed and presented.
It is obvious, given the many and varied approaches taken, that no one book is likely to meet every need. Nevertheless, the author has formed some opinions from this survey and would like to offer them in hope that they will benefit instructors choosing textbooks and designing courses, as well as future textbook writers.
Textbook References
[1] Arnow, David M. and Gerald Weiss. Introduction to Programming Using Java: An Object-Oriented Approach. Addison-Wesley, 2000.
[2] Barnes, David J.. Object-Oriented Programming with Java: An Introduction. Prentice Hall, 2000.
[3] Bell, Douglas and Mike Parr. Java for Students. Prentice Hall, 1999.
[4] Bishop, Judy. Java Gently: Programming Principles Explained. Addison-Wesley, 1998.
[5] Decker, Rich and Stuart Hirshfield. An Introduction to Programming Using Java. Brooks/Cole, 2000.
[6] Deitel, H.M., and P.J. Deitel. Java: How to Program. Prentice Hall, 1999.
[7] Horstmann, Cay. Computing Concepts with Java 2 Essentials. John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
[8] Koffman, Elliot and Ursula Wolz. Problem Solving with Java. Addison Wesley Longman, 1999.
[9] Lambert, Kenneth A. and Martin Osborne. Java: A Framework for Programming and Problem Solving. PWS Publishing, 1999.
[10] Lewis, John and William Loftus. Java Software Solutions. Addison-Wesley, 2000.
[11] Morelli, Ralph. Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving. Prentice-Hall, 2000.
[12] Nino, Jaime and Frederick Hosch. Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design Using Java. John Wiley & Sons, 2001[3].
[13] Savitch, Walter. Java: An Introduction to Computer Science & Programming. Prentice Hall, 1999.
[14] Slack, James M.. Programming and Problem Solving with Java. Brooks/Cole, 2000.
[15] Stein, Lynn Andrea. Interactive Programming in Java. Due to be published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers in 2001. Currently available on-line at
[16] Wu, C. Thomas. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Other References
[17] Lewis, John. Myths about Object-Orienteation and its Pedagogy SIGCSE Bulletin 1 (2000), p. 245-249.
[18] Wolz, Ursula and Elliot Koffman. "simpleIO: A Java package for Novice Interactive and Graphics Programming" SIGCSE Bulletin 3 (1999), p. 139 - 142.
Reference: Arnow, David M. and Gerald Weiss. Introduction to Programming Using Java: An Object-Oriented Approach. Addison-Wesley, 2000. 723 + 82 pages.
Objects: Chapter 1 contains a discussion of objects and classes followed by a helloWorld program. Chapter 2 is about using objects, but they are all objects that are created with hidden constructors - System.out and strings. Using constructors to create an instance comes in the next chapter. After a brief discussion of String constructors, the entire chapter is spent on file and console I/O.
Classes are first written in chapter 4 where the first example is a "laugher" class. It contains a single method which prints "haha" to System.out. It quickly evolves to include a parameter specifying the sound to make and an instance variable to store the default laugh. This background is used to develop an interactive I/O class.
An extended example in chapter 5 uses two cooperating classes.
I/O: I/O streams are the big thing in the first four chapters of the book. In addition, each chapter includes a "GUI supplement". Early supplements focus on graphics. Event handling is introduced in chapter 6 to create a calculator.
Design: Design issues are introduced immediately after the mechanics of writing a class. Much of chapter 5 is an example where a tollbooth collects tolls from trucks. Extensive time is spent identifying the objects, defining the interfaces, etc. The design process shown is a reasonable introduction and they do use it often throughout the text.
Opinions: One of the strongest texts in illustrating the design process. Other highlights include looping patterns and a clear example distributing responsibilities among multiple classes. I wish I/O streams would be downplayed in the early chapters.
Reference: Barnes, David J.. Object-Oriented Programming with Java: An Introduction. Prentice Hall, 2000. 951 + 77 pages.
Objects: HelloWorld is used to introduce the syntactic elements of a program but is quickly followed by an extensive discussion of creating and using a predefined ship object. A second example, bank accounts, already introduces two interacting objects - one for the bank and one for accounts. The next chapter discusses writing classes (a class implementing reminder notes).
I/O: Console I/O (via a provided class) is used for most of the text. There is substantial coverage (270 pages) of GUI applications and applets.
Design: There is little support for design issues other than several case studies.
Opinions: One of the more comprehensive texts.
Reference: Bell, Douglas and Mike Parr. Java for Students. Prentice Hall, 1999. 524 + 62 pages.
Objects: Applets are used from the beginning and thus students write and see classes from the beginning. The concepts of object and class are not discussed, however, until after graphics, numeric calculations, methods, events, selection and repetition have all been discussed. At this point a balloon class is introduced and used. There are no examples of distributed responsibilities.
I/O: The text uses applets extensively. Event-driven programming is introduced by page 68 to respond to scrollbars. Other components are added later. Console programs are covered briefly towards the end.
Design: Design issues are left to the end of the book where there are chapters on OO design, testing and debugging. There is no discussion of the software lifecycle.
Opinions: I think OO programming gets lost in the midst of all the GUIs.
Reference: Bishop, Judy. Java Gently: Programming Principles Explained. Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Objects: Chapter 2 provides a survey of Java, ending with a few examples using the Date class. Chapter 3 is devoted to methods, most of which are static and called from main. The last two sections discuss classes and show a case study. The next three chapters, however, are full of programs which use little more than main().
Chapter 7 uses objects extensively and includes a case study where responsibilities are distributed.
I/O: Console I/O is done with a provided class which is then developed half way through the book. GUIs (both applications and applets) are discussed in chapters 9 and 10.
Design: There are six case studies but very little on software engineering issues.
Opinions: I dislike the overuse of main() and static methods as well as the way objects are de-emphasized until late in the book.
Reference: Decker, Rich and Stuart Hirshfield. An Introduction to Programming Using Java. Brooks/Cole, 2000. 593 +24 pages.
Objects: The authors begin with GUIs - and emphasize them throughout the textbook. They do not appear to develop any classes that do not extend a class from java.awt.*.
I/O: Nearly everything is done with applets. There is a chapter on file I/O but nothing on console I/O.
Design: The authors advocate designing the user interface first and then filling in the details to make it work. There is a large ATM case study in chapter 7 which uses this approach. The result, however, only handles the interface for the ATM.
Opinions: I think students would finish this text with a very skewed idea of programming. I fear they would not be able to handle any programming task which is not part of a graphical user interface and would not even really understand what objects and classes are.
Reference: Deitel, H.M., and P.J. Deitel. Java: How to Program. Prentice Hall, 1999. 1,228 + 116 pages.
Objects: Classes and objects do not appear to be used in depth until chapter 8 where the first example is a time class. However, students extend JApplet starting with chapter 2, and use some existing classes such as JLabel and class methods much earlier. Chapters on methods and arrays also appear before the in-depth chapter on classes.
I/O: JOptionPane is used extensively for I/O early in the text. GUIs are covered extensively in chapters 11-13. Console I/O is not discussed.
Design: There are a few examples of pseudo-code, but little else to illustrate design principles or the software lifecycle.
Opinions: The key selling point is the comprehensiveness. It covers threads, images, audio, the database connectivity API, servlets, etc. On the downside, I find it very hard to read (a combination of typography, verbosity, and organization). Classes and objects are used a long time before they are adequately explained.
Reference: Horstmann, Cay. Computing Concepts with Java 2 Essentials. John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 681 + 181 pages.
Objects: Classes are described early and used sparsely (strings, a console reader, System.out) in chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 3 develops and uses a bank account class. A coin class provides a second example. Distributing responsibilities in several classes occurs in the array chapter (11).
I/O: A very simple console class is introduced early. This is followed immediately with an "Advanced" section on reading input with standard Java. The next chapter is on writing classes and includes a section on writing the custom class.
Chapter 4 discusses applets and graphics. Event handling and the AWT comes much later in chapters 10 and 12.
Design: Class discovery using nouns and verbs is introduced just after writing classes. It's picked up again in much more detail in Chapter 14. There is an entire chapter devoted to testing and debugging (8).
Opinions: I find the writing to be very clear. One of my favorite texts.
Reference: Koffman, Elliot and Ursula Wolz. Problem Solving with Java. Addison Wesley Longman, 1999. 681 + 143 pages.
Objects: Using and writing classes are introduced together on page 44 with a class to convert fabric measurements from square meters to square yards. Converting numbers of nickels and pennies to dollars and change is a second example. Distribution of responsibilities between two classes occurs in Chapters 6 (a bill-paying program) and 7 (an employee database using arrays).
I/O: Programs requiring I/O extend (rather than use) a provided GUI package. System.out is used for debugging; console input is not discussed while file I/O is only via provided classes.
GUIs are discussed in chapters 9 and 10.
Design: The waterfall model is discussed early in Chapter 2. Many later case studies reinforce the model. Chapter 8 discusses the design implications of inheritance, abstract classes, etc..
Opinions: Many of classes are simply containers for read(), process(), and output() (suitably renamed). Experienced Java programmers would not create a class to solve these problems.
Reference: Lambert, Kenneth A. and Martin Osborne. Java: A Framework for Programming and Problem Solving. PWS Publishing, 1999. 494 + 39 pages.
Objects: Objects and classes are explored in chapter 8 via a student class. Readers have seen and written many classes prior to that, but they all follow a template which makes use of the author's GUI package. An example in chapter 9 (arrays) distributes responsibilities between three classes.
I/O: Graphical user interfaces are used throughout the text. The authors provide a package, BreezyGUI, which makes fairly sophisticated interfaces pretty reasonable. The feel is much like the Java 1.0 event model where specific methods are overridden rather than registering listeners. Chapter 17 introduces the AWT.
Console I/O is buried in chapter 13 along with file I/O.
Design: There are a large number of short case studies, each of which is broken into specification, analysis, design and specification. These sections don't often have a lot of elaboration, however. Each chapter has a short section on design, debugging and testing hints. They are set in a smaller font, however, making them seem less important.
Opinions: The BreezyGUI package allows the authors to use sophisticated interfaces from the beginning without getting sidetracked by the interfaces. I wish the students had more opportunities to write their own classes which don't follow the author's GUI cookie-cutter.
Reference: Lewis, John and William Loftus. Java Software Solutions. Addison-Wesley, 2000. 515 + 265 pages.
Objects: Objects are introduced with System.out and strings early in chapter 2. Later in the chapter instances of Random and NumberFormat, along with static methods from Math are used. All of the classes shown at this point have a single method: main. A GUI supplement shows how to draw a snowman in an applet.
Objects and classes reappear in chapter 4 (after a chapter on control structures) where classes modeling coins, rational numbers and dice are developed. There are very few, if any, examples where responsibilities are distributed between classes, except for using collection classes and inheritance.
I/O: A custom class for console I/O is introduced in chapter 2. It's explained in chapter 8 along with other I/O streams.
Each chapter includes a "GUI Supplement". Early supplements focus on graphics. Event handling for mouse and keyboard listeners makes up the bulk of chapter 5. Input from text fields is covered in chapter 7. Throughout, only applets are discussed.
Design: The waterfall model and pseudocode are briefly described in chapter 3 in the context of developing algorithms but is not reinforced in the rest of the text. Chapter 10 includes a more extensive discussion of development process models and a partial case study.
Opinions: A very competent text. I wish the object usage in chapters 2 and 3 was stronger.
Reference: Morelli, Ralph. Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving. Prentice-Hall, 2000. 912 + 52 pages.
Objects: Chapter 1 walks through a program using System.out and a rather sophisticated animated applet. After a brief discussion in chapter 2 of how objects can interact to solve a problem, a pair of classes are written. First a Rectangle class and then a RectangleUser class (containing main). This pair then illustrates how classes are used. A "cyberpet" is then developed. This case study is picked up again in chapters 3-8 and 10, becoming ever more complex.
A case study in chapter 8 shows an application which distributes responsibilities between two classes.
I/O: Each chapter has a "From the Java Library" section. In chapter 2 this covers keyboard input using a BufferedReader. In chapter 7, StringTokenizer.
Applets and simple event-based programming using buttons is introduced in Ch 4. There is much more on GUI widgets and graphics in chapters 9 and 10.
Design: Chapter 2 contains a 10 page discussion on program design - just after students have seen helloWorld. A number of case studies throughout the text reinforce the design methodology. In addition, many chapters contain a section titled "Object-Oriented Design" which offer OO design tips for concepts just introduced.
Opinions: I like this text. One small complaint is that each chapter has a number of threads (object-oriented design, examining a class from the Java library, something to do in the lab, etc.), making the text feel disjointed.
Reference: Nino, Jaime and Frederick Hosch. Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design Using Java. John Wiley & Sons, 2001[4]. 667 + 84 pages.
Objects: Classes and objects are described in depth at the beginning of the text. The two subsequent chapters discuss class specification and implementation. The first program is a test driver; the first complete program is presented in chapter 9 and involves five interacting classes. Students write portions of programs earlier in a lab setting.
I/O: All I/O is done using the model-view-controller architecture. The majority of the text uses provided classes for console I/O (explained in an appendix). GUIs are covered late in the text.
Design: The authors emphasize design issues extensively. Class specification is discussed before implementation. Entire chapters are devoted to programming by contract, testing, and software quality. An extensive case study and the model-view-controller pattern are included.
Opinions: If you are concerned with design issues, this is the text to use. It's worth reading regardless of whether it's used in class.
Reference: Savitch, Walter. Java: An Introduction to Computer Science & Programming. Prentice Hall, 1999. 691 + 35 pages.
Objects: Writing classes and using objects are presented together, after primitive types, strings, and control structures. The first example, revised several times, models a species with a name, current population and growth rate. A small example in the arrays chapter uses a pair of interacting classes.
I/O: Most of the text uses console I/O via a provided class. Chapter 7 discusses GUIs and the last chapter discusses applets.
Design: Information hiding is discussed several times, but little to nothing on other design topics.
Opinions: I wish there had been an explanation of why objects are good and a few larger case studies.
Reference: Slack, James M.. Programming and Problem Solving with Java. Brooks/Cole, 2000. 1007 + 130 pages.
Objects: Many object-oriented concepts are introduced in Chapter 2 via classes implementing turtle graphics. Method invocation, extending a class with new methods, parameters, selection, and iteration are all covered. These concepts are all revisited in later chapters.
Writing a new class is introduced after students have seen many objects used in the selection and iteration chapters. Example classes include a counter, money and bank account.
I/O: Console input is done with a custom class. Development of the class in shown when writing classes. GUIs are relegated to several appendices.
Design: Chapter 10 discusses design issues, including inheritance, abstract classes and software development methodologies. These issues are not reinforced elsewhere in the text.
Opinions: Chapter 2 is the strength and the weakness of this text: it provides a good example of using objects before students write their own classes. But it introduces a lot of information very quickly. I think students would be left overwhelmed. Karel the Robot [Pattis81] is an obvious inspiration but is not improved upon.
Reference: Stein, Lynn Andrea. Interactive Programming in Java. Due to be published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers in 2001. Currently available on-line at
Objects: The text begins with an in-depth discussion of OO programming as "coordinating a computational community". This is illustrated describing a string transformation program and writing a number of transformers by extending a provided class. Subsequent chapters discuss statements and flow of control using a mixture of objects and primitive types and specifying classes via their interfaces before the chapter on implementation.
I/O: Most of the text uses console I/O via a provided class. Two later chapters discuss GUIs but the emphasis there is clearly on the event-driven programming paradigm.
Design: Quite a bit of attention is given to specifying and using interfaces and how objects interact with each other. Chapter 8 discusses OO design, including class discovery with nouns and verbs. Case studies and examples of applying a development methodology are missing.
Opinions: This is one of the most interesting texts due to its emphasis on threads and interacting objects. It contains a large number of helpful analogies.
Reference: Wu, C. Thomas. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999. 821 + 37 pages.
Objects: Using objects to solve problems is demonstrated from the beginning using a custom graphical I/O package. The first class development comes in Chapter 4 after a chapter on numerical data. The primary examples are a currency conversion class and a loan calculator.
Responsibilities are distributed between classes from the beginning, but only due to I/O. The first time two classes are written for the same problem is an address book in Chapter 9 on arrays.
I/O: I/O in the majority of the book is handled by the custom GUI I/O package. Chapter 12 is about Java GUI interfaces. Console input is not discussed.
Design: The waterfall model is discussed in Chapter 1. Each chapter includes a sample program which models the process. A more incremental approach is demonstrated in Chapter 14. UML-like diagrams are used.
Opinions: This text has an uncommonly large number of illustrations and is easy to read. I like the extensive use of objects early. A text to consider.
[2] The author has nothing to gain by anyone adopting any of these books.
[3] This review is based on a draft manuscript dated March, 2000 and checked against the most recent version at
[4] This review is based on a draft manuscript dated March, 2000 and checked against the most recent version at