The Ultimate Strategy to Search on m-Rays? A. López-Ortiz and S. Schuierer. To appear, Theoretical Computer Science. Extended abstract also in Proceedings of Fourth Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 1998. PostScript file.

Abstract. We consider the problem of searching on m current rays for a target of unknown location. If no upper bound on the distance to the target is known in advance, then the optimal competitive ratio is 1 + 2 m^m / (m - 1)^(m-1) We show that if an upper bound of D on the distance to the target is known in advance, then the competitive ratio of any search strategy is at least 1 + 2 m^m / (m - 1)^(m-1) - O(1 / log^2 D) which is again optimal---but in a stricter sense. To show the optimality of our lower bound we construct a search strategy that achieves this ratio. Surprisingly, our strategy does not need to know an upper bound on the distance to the target in advance; it achieves a competitive ratio of 1 + 2 m^m / (m - 1)^(m-1) - O(1/log^2 D) if the target is found at distance D Finally, we also present an algorithm to compute the strategy that allows the robot to search the farthest for a given competitive ratio C.