Covvey et al.
Departmental Information Systems as Management Models for Change
A HEALNet Educational Initiative The Development of Model Curricula for Health Informatics Education
Covvey et al.
The Development of Model Curricula for Applied Health Informatics
Covvey et al.
Health Informatics Education Working Paper
Covvey et al.
Pointing the Way: Competencies and Cirricula in Health Informatics
DiMarco et al
Frontiers of Health Informatics Research: An Innovative Graduate-Level Computer Science Course
DiMarco et al.
HealthDoc: Customizing patient information and health education by medical condition and personal characteristics
DiMarco et al.
The automated generation of Web documents that are tailored to the individual reader
DiMarco et al.
Generation by selection and repair as a method for adapting text for the individual reader
Hirst et al.
Authoring and generating health-education documents that are tailored to the needs of the individual patient
McNeil et al.
The Development of a Model Curriculum for Applied Health Informatics
The Development of a Model Curriculum for Applied Health Informatics
The Departmental Information System as a Tool for Change
Health Informatics Initiatives
Health Informatics Research
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