Required Courses:
7.5 CS units
CS 125, 133, 135, 3xx or 4xx |
CS 134 or 136 |
CS 240 |
CS 241 |
CS 245 |
CS 246 |
ECE 222 |
CS 341 |
CS 350 |
CS 360 or 365 |
CS 370 or 371 |
CS 340 - 398; 440-489 |
CS 440 - 489 |
CS 440 - 489 |
CS 440 - 497 or CS 499T or CS 6xx or CS 7xx or STAT 440 or
CO 487 |
1.5 Elective units
4.5 Math units
MATH 1[34]5 |
MATH 1[34]6 |
MATH 1[34]7 |
MATH 1[34]8 |
MATH 2[34]5 |
MATH 2[34]7 |
MATH 2[34]9 |
STAT 2[34]0 |
STAT 2[34]1 |
1.5 Additional Math units
5.0 Non-math Units
GENE 123 |
ECE 223 |
ECE 241 |
ECE 324 |
(Rec: PHYS 115 or 121) |
Additional Constraints:
One of:
CS 450 |
All of:
ECE 327 |
ECE 429 |
Two of:
CS 452 |
CS 454 |
CS 456 |
CS 457 |
3 of (additional math courses)
231 |
232 |
331 |
371 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
231 |
250 |
261 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
343 |
351 |
353 |
373 |
330 |
331 |
342 |
350 |
351 |
355 |
367 |
430-487, excluding 480 |
331 |
332 |
334 |
336 |
345 |
346 |
351 |
352 |
354 |
365 |
Non-math units that satisfy one of:
Meet requirements for a minor, joint or full Honours
plan from outside of the Mathematics Faculty |
Elective breadth and depth requirement
All of (breadth):
1.0 units from
Arts Group A |
1.0 units from
Arts Group B |
0.5 units from Faculty of Science |
0.5 units from Faculties of Science, AHS or
Environmental Studies |
The depth requirement is automatically met by the
required ECE courses. |
An alternate plan approved by a CS Advisor |