East Coast Computer Algebra Day 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD) is a one-day meeting for those interested in computer algebra and symbolic mathematical computation. It provides opportunities to learn and to share new results and current work in progress. The schedule includes prominent invited speakers along with contributed posters and software demonstrations. Plenty of time is allowed for unstructured interaction among the participants. Researchers, teachers, students, and users of computer algebra are all welcome!
Program and Schedule
The conference will be held in room DC1302 on the main floor of the William G. Davis Centre. Registration, posters, lunch, and reception will be in DC 1301, or the "fishbowl", the big glass-enclosed room on the main floor. See below for directions to the conference site.
8:30am | Registration and competing bagels |
9:15am | Opening remarks – Ian Goulden, Dean of Mathematics, U. Waterloo |
9:30am | Clément Pernet, Eliminations and echelon forms in exact linear algebra |
10:30am | Coffee break and Poster Session I |
11:30am | Victoria Powers, Rational certificates of positivity |
12:30pm | Lunch (provided) and Poster Session II |
2:30pm | Christopher Brown, Computing with semi-algebraic sets: from problem to solution |
3:30pm | Closing remarks |
3:45pm | Reception with wine & cheese |
ECCAD 2011 is free to attend, but we request that you please register as soon as possible so that we can arrange refreshments and facilities. To register please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.Posters and Software Demonstrations
Proposals are invited for poster presentations and software demonstrations on any topic related to computer algebra. Abstracts can be submitted through the form at the bottom of this page. Abstracts of accepted contributions received by April 2nd will appear in the conference report and will be published in the ACM Communications in Computer Algebra. Later submissions are still welcome, however.
Invited Speakers
- Christopher Brown (US Naval Academy), Computing with semi-algebraic sets: from problem to solution
- Victoria Powers (Emory University), Rational certificates of positivity
- Clément Pernet (Université Joseph Fourier), Eliminations and echelon forms in exact linear algebra
Travel Support
Unlike previous years, the NSF is not providing new funds to support travel. However, the organizers of ECCAD 2010 still have limited funds to help US-based attendees; preference will be given to those presenting a poster or software demonstration, and to those whose documented travel expenses are greatest. Please note it in the registration form below if you would like to be considered for travel support.
Venue, Parking, Directions and Travel
ECCAD will be held in room DC1302 on the main floor of the Davis Centre on the main campus of the University of Waterloo. Directions to the campus and a campus map can be found here. The Davis Centre is on the east side of campus, and is labelled DC on the map. Visitor parking is available at K Lot or OV Lot (north of the Davis Centre) and costs $3. Free parking is available in X Lot (farther north on campus).
US Citizens should note that under the newest provisions of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative you will need a valid US passport to return to the United States (even if traveling by car).
Some useful (but slightly out of date) information on travel to Waterloo by air and ground is available on the ISSAC 2007 page.
There is no "official" ECCAD 2011 hotel. A number of reasonably priced hotels are in the University of Waterloo area, many of which have a "University of Waterloo rate" (just ask). Some possibilities are:
- Waterloo Hotel - beautifully refurbished hotel in the centre of uptown Waterloo. Pleasant 2km walk to campus
- Waterloo Inn - nice modern hotel in north Waterloo. 4km north of campus.
- Destination Inn Waterloo - hotel 5km north of campus.
- Comfort Inn Waterloo - hotel 3 km east of campus.
- Best Western St Jacobs Country Inn - very nice hotel near farmer's markets. 6km north of campus.
Some other hotels (in neighbouring Kitchener) are listed here. Accommodation on the ECCAD weekend is quite tight due to a large convention in town. Please book as early as possible, or contact the organizers if you need assistance.
ECCAD 2011 is sponsored by:- The University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics,
- The Symbolic Computation Group in the University of Waterloo School of Computer Science and
- Maplesoft
- John May, General Chair (Maplesoft and University of Waterloo)
- Mark Giesbrecht (University of Waterloo)
- George Labahn (University of Waterloo)
- Daniel Roche (University of Waterloo)
- Bruce Char (Drexel University)
For more information, email
Other Related Conferences
- The 4th Richard D. Jenks Memorial Prize for Excellence in Software Engineering call for nominations due April 19th.
- Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra, May 26-29, 2011
- MEGA 2011, May 30-June 3, 2011
- ISSAC 2011, June 8-11, 2011
- SNC 2011, June 7-9, 2011
- CASA 2011, June 20-23, 2011
- ACA 2011, June 27-29, 2011
- CASC 2011, Sept. 5-9, 2011
Registration Form (poster abstract submission form below)
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